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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quiz 08

Oki another piece of trivia to intrigue you..

The term i am looking for binds the likes of( the list is not exhaustive)  John Steinback, Cole Porter, Ezra Pound etc though quoted by someone not attributed to this "group".... the title orginated when this novellist ended up as a car mechanic, and the owner grew tired of him(lazy mechanic),

the term was back in vogue very recently because of the economic upheavel in west and became eponymous to millions of young men especially in DEVELOPED countries....

What is the term that remained lost for decades and suddenly being asked to look out for??

psst- the term was also used for dead members of british elite in wars....specially WW2.....

Posted by tarang singhal
Congrats to Ashish Sir, Suyash, Shashwat...
The Answer is(highlight the next line)
Lost Generation


Ashish Kumar a.k.a BOUNCER said...

ybfg trarengvba

shashwat.omar said...

ybfg trarengvba

suyash911 said...

ybfg trarengvba